BLC 分析
b = self.img[y,x] + bl_b
r = self.img[y+1,x+1] + bl_r
gb = self.img[y,x+1] + bl_gb + beta * b / 256
gr = self.img[y+1,x] + bl_gr + alpha * r / 256
blc_img[y,x] = b
blc_img[y,x+1] = gb
blc_img[y+1,x] = gr
blc_img[y+1,x+1] = r
bl_r,0,Black level offset of Red channel
bl_gr,0,Black level offset of Green(R) channel
bl_gb,0,Black level offset of Green(B) channel
bl_b,0,Black level offset of Blue channel
alpha,0,Fusion parameter for Red channel
beta,0,Fusion parameter for Blue channel